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Atelier Mini MWC between Algérie Télécom and Huawei

On the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, Huawei Algeria, in collaboration with Algérie Télécom, organized a workshop on the latest communication technologies titled “Mini MWC”.

The North Africa region manager of Huawei had the honor of delivering the opening speech, praising the technological advancements witnessed within the group and its various institutions in recent years, highlighting the developments in information and communication technologies.

Subsequently, during the workshops, the CEO of Algérie Télécom paid a visit in the evening, expressing appreciation for this initiative and calling for the establishment of traditions to transfer expertise for the benefit of engineers, executives, and technicians within the group, as well as all stakeholders in the field of information and communication technology. He emphasized the importance of establishing such traditions with all technological partners as part of implementing technology diversification policies